Bulk Top Soil, Bulk Mulch,
Compost, and Manure for Pick up or Delivery
Lawns By Murphy provides bulk top soil, bulk mulch,
compost, clay, manure, and more for delivery or pick-up.
Bulk orders for pickup require a minimum of two cubic yards.
Bulk orders to be delivered require a minimum of four cubic yards.
Product totals and delivery fees cannot be paid online.
Please contact us to submit your order.
Are you not sure how much product you need? No problem! Enter the dimensions of the area you need to fill and use a cubic yard calculator to find the right amount for your project.

For Estimating Purposes Only
Only Compost, Manure, Wood Mulches available in 25 cubic yard loads
Wash sand is a fine, soft and clean product. It is perfect for blending with topsoil for creating a sandy loam, compost for top dressing, or clay for ball field mixes.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
A pulverized and screened soil blend, which includes the Murphy rich Top Soil as well as our compost. This ready to use product is formulated for flower beds, seed beds, leveling and top dressing lawns.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Our organic red clay is a well-recognized starting point for many building projects including: foundations, pond liners, tennis court & ball field mixes.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
50/50 blend, created in house by Lawns by Murphy, is the highest of quality. Great for flower beds, boxes, containers, raised beds, and other gardening projects, this blend of 50% soil and 50% compost will promote healthy growth. Choose this product to be delivered or picked up in bulk.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Composts & Manures
Murphy Products and Lawns by Murphy makes some of the best compost you can buy. Made on-site with only the best materials this natural compost holds the US Composting Council Seal of Testing Assurance.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Murphy’s special compost is a unique compost that can’t be beat when it comes to a product that is the best for your garden.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Aged manure is a must in gardening and agriculture. It adds vital nutrients to the earth that plants, vegetables needs to grow. Aged manure is great to use in with both compact and sandy soil.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Alfalfa manure compost contains nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and other minerals, that make up a healthy soil structure, stimulating growth.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
This item is of limited supply and may not always be available.
Please inquire here before purchasing.
Cotton burr compost is a great source of nutrients for gardens and flowerbeds. Cotton burr compost provides a course material excellent for mixing when planting or used as mulch. It is also a sustainable product because it is a recycled material of cotton gins.
Price listed is per cubic yard.
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards.
This item is of limited supply and may not always be available.
Please inquire here before purchasing.
Specifically formulated to produce maximum yield in today’s high value crops, Super Soil combines a proprietary blend of Lawns By Murphy products, including Murphy Compost and Earth Worm Castings. A truly soilless planting media, Super Soil is our only product designed to use in pots, containers and troughs, as well as raised beds, planting trays and in the ground. Super Soil $185.00 per cubic yard, 10 cubic yard minimum purchase, plus delivery. Also available in 2 cubic yard totes for $450.00 (limited availability; pick up only; must be pre-ordered).
Super Soil orders are available for delivery only, with a minimum order of 25 cubic yards.
A full bodied blend of three products, with repeated fine screening makes this the darling of gold course management. Beginning with a 3/4 to 3/8 inch trommel screen, Cotton Burr Compost, Alfalfa Compost and Aged Manure are individually screened. The final recipe takes hold and the products are combined and pulverized in the Terra Xtreme to homogenize the components. The final step is a pass through a fine vibratory screen, then directly into the truck for delivery.
Price listed is per cubic yard.
Minimum order quantity is 25 cubic yards.
Delivery only, please.
This stabilized organic matter maximizes nutrient absorption by plant roots and reverses soil compaction, while improving water retention and tilth in soil remediation. When using Earth Worm Castings, a small amount goes a long way. Earth Worm Castings FOB @ $.69 per pound and are available for pick up only in totes. Limited availability, must be pre-ordered and this price is subject to change without notice. Please call the office to confirm the current price.
Price listed is per cubic yard.
Minimum order quantity is 25 cubic yards.
Delivery only, please.
Natural recycled hardwood mulch makes everything look great with its natural wood color. It also helps the environment! Hardwood mulch protects plants and roots, keeping them safe from harsh weather. Mulch also holds in water content, and assits with weed control. Choose this product to be delivered or picked up in bulk.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Playground mulch provides great coverage for playgrounds. It is proven safe for children and helps absorb the force of a fall as well as moisture. It is a better solution both for the environment and the children than rubber. Choose this product to be delivered or picked up in bulk.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Pine bark mulch is perfect for either outdoor or indoor use. Pine bark mulch is reddish brown in color. It is best when used in flat areas and is great for protecting plants from extreme temperatures.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Cedar mulch does not only make your area of use look fantastic with its warm red color, it also serves a purpose. Cedar mulch protects by insulating plants from harsh weather. Choose this product to be delivered or picked up in bulk.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Red Recycled Wood Mulch does not only make your area of use look tremendous with its rich red color, it also helps the environment. Recycled red mulch protects by insulating plants from harsh weather, preserves water content, and helps with weed control. Choose this product to be delivered or picked up in bulk.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Brown Recycled Wood Mulch does not only make your area of use look great with its rich brown color, it also helps the environment. Cedar mulch protects by insulating plants from harsh weather, preserves water content, and helps with weed control. Choose this product to be delivered or picked up in bulk.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Black Recycled Wood Mulch does not only make your area look beautiful with its dark black color, it also helps the environment. Recycled hardwood black mulch protects by insulating plants from harsh weather, preserves water content, and helps with weed control. Choose this product to be delivered or picked up in bulk.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Other Products
Fill dirt is a great alternative to more expensive soil and dirt when you just need to level and fill holes. This inexpensive product is great for spreading and leveling areas both large and small. Choose this product to be delivered or picked up in bulk.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Pea gravel is a material great for various projects such as landscaping, building walkways, aquariums and many more. Pea gravel is available in natural multi shade of browns.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
River rocks can be used for a variety of purposes. Almost any landscaping project you have in mind. Use river rock for patios and paths, garden edging, plant beds, as an alternative to mulch, and more. If you would prefer to purchase in bulk, this product is available for pick up or delivery.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards
Gypsum is a great way to break up compact or heavy soil like clay. Gypsum will also remove extra sodium and replace it with calcium. Gypsum is only sold in bulk. This product can be shipped or delivered.
Price listed is per cubic yard
Minimum order quantity is 2 cubic yards